Dreamy, Easeful Sleep With the Benefits of Kava

Unlike manufactured drugs, kava is capable of bringing a restful and deep sleep without potential for addiction or harmful side effects. Traditional knowledge of kava also backs the power of kava to help you sleep better.

Kava has well-documented potential for reducing anxiety and stress. (Anxiety and stress are two of the most common root causes of poor sleep. Did you know that when you take certain sleep medication you are sedated… but not actually getting the benefits of restful sleep?

Here’s what makes Kava different: Drinking kava can increase levels of GABA in the brain. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in humans, which means it calms down brain activity, which can lead to better sleep.

Many people supplement with GABA, but it is not fully understood whether or not GABA from supplementation can reach the brain. Kava increases endogenous GABA production, which may be more effective than taking a supplement. 

Kava can also be a great alternative for those who rely on alcohol to fall asleep. It is well known that while alcohol may make you “pass out” it actually disrupts sleep. Kava can offer a similar relaxing, sleep-inducing feeling, without the negative effects.

The relaxing effects of kava can vary widely depending on the strain and quality of kava you consume. Our products are made with a high quality noble kava root powder. This strain tends to be relaxing yet uplifting in moderate amounts, and more sedative when consumed in larger quantity.

Chris Kilkham, an experienced meditator, states that kava “replicates some dimensions of the inner peace achieved through meditation very well”. It is this experience of peaceful thought that can bring about the peace and calm needed for sleep to occur. The process isn’t one of “shutting you down” as much as inviting in a more present state of mind.

Some people feel sleepy right away, though most people need to consume larger quantities of kava to feel the most sedative effect. If kava makes you feel mentally energized instead of sleepy, try drinking kava 2-3 hours before bed! For some people drinking kava earlier in the day will result in better sleep outcomes.

Here’s one clinical study’s conclusions on kava & sleep: “Kava-kava extract is an herbal medicine having not only hypnotic effects, but also sleep quality-enhancement effects.”  (PMID:15700178)

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